Neuropathy in Cheyenne WY from Diabetes Unveiled: Act Fast, Feel Better!
Neuropathy in Cheyenne WY from Diabetes Unveiled: Act Fast, Feel Better!

If you have diabetes in Cheyenne WY, you may have heard of a condition called neuropathy. But what exactly is neuropathy, and how does it affect your health and well-being?
Neuropathy is a term that refers to damage or dysfunction of the nerves. Nerves are like wires that carry signals from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body and vice versa. They help you sense, move, and control various functions, such as your heartbeat, blood pressure, digestion, and temperature.
When your nerves are damaged, they may send wrong or no signals at all, causing various symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, or loss of balance. Depending on which nerves are affected, neuropathy can affect different parts of your body, such as your feet, legs, hands, arms, eyes, or internal organs.
Neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes, especially if you have had diabetes for a long time or have poor blood sugar control. Diabetes can cause high blood glucose (sugar) levels, damaging the small blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to your nerves. This can lead to nerve damage over time.
Neuropathy from diabetes is also known as diabetic neuropathy. It affects up to 50% of people with diabetes worldwide. It is one of the leading causes of disability and reduced quality of life among people with diabetes. It can also increase the risk of other serious complications, such as foot ulcers, infections, amputations, heart problems, and kidney failure.
Therefore, it is essential to understand what neuropathy from diabetes is, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. In this blog post, I will share with you some helpful information and tips on how to manage neuropathy from diabetes and improve your health and well-being.
Symptoms of Neuropathy from Diabetes
Neuropathy from diabetes can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on which nerves are damaged and how severely. The symptoms may vary from person to person and may change over time as the condition progresses. Some of the most common symptoms of neuropathy from diabetes are:
- Numbness, tingling, and burning sensations. These are often the first signs of nerve damage, usually affecting the feet and legs, but may also affect the hands and arms. The numbness may make you feel like you’re wearing gloves or socks or your feet are wrapped in cotton. The tingling may feel like pins and needles or electric shocks. The burning may feel like your skin is on fire or you’re walking on hot coals. These sensations may be worse at night or when you are resting.
- Muscle weakness and difficulty walking. As the nerve damage affects your muscles, you may notice that you have less strength and coordination in your limbs. You may have trouble standing, walking, or climbing stairs. You may also experience muscle cramps, spasms, or twitching. You may lose your reflexes or have difficulty sensing the position of your joints, increasing your risk of falling, injuring yourself, or developing foot deformities.
- Heightened sensitivity to touch. This is also known as allodynia, and it means that you feel pain from stimuli that are normally not painful, such as light touch, clothing, or temperature. For example, you may feel like your feet are being stabbed by a needle when you touch them or that your skin is being scraped by a razor when you put on socks. This can make you avoid touching or moving the affected areas, worsening your condition.
These are some of the most common symptoms of neuropathy from diabetes. But there are many others, such as loss of sensation, reduced sweating, dry skin, ulcers, infections, blisters, nail problems, erectile dysfunction, urinary problems, digestive problems, vision problems, and more. The symptoms may vary in intensity, frequency, and duration and may affect your daily activities, mood, and quality of life.
Therefore, monitoring your symptoms and reporting any changes to your doctor is crucial. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent further nerve damage and improve your outcomes.
Cheyenne WY Neuropathy Risk Factors
When it comes to neuropathy, the most significant risk factor is elevated blood sugar over an extended period of time. Generally, the higher someone’s blood glucose levels are, and the longer they are left unchecked and untreated, the greater the risk for nerve damage. That’s why controlling blood sugar via medication, diet, exercise, or other means is so important.
However, there are a few other factors that can up someone’s chances of experiencing diabetic nerve pain and numbness in the limbs. Two big ones are poor circulation and lifestyle habits like smoking and heavy alcohol consumption.
Many of my patients with diabetes often contend with circulatory issues in their hands and feet. Constricted blood vessels struggle to deliver oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the nerves in the furthest ends of our bodies.
Some people are simply prone to circulation problems due to genetics, age, or anatomical structure. But coupling already narrowed blood vessels with dangerously high blood sugar thickening the blood and making it sluggish is like attacking nerves from both sides.
Likewise, habits like cigarette smoking and drinking excessive alcohol can directly damage nerves as well as small blood vessels. I always advise my patients to minimize smoking and heavy drinking or quit them altogether because they poison sensitive nerves, restrict critical blood flow, and compound the effects of uncontrolled diabetes. Quitting smoking and limiting drinking are small but mighty ways to nurture your body and nervous system.
The combination of elevated blood sugar, circulatory problems, and unhealthy habits is what really increases someone’s chances of nerve trouble in diabetes. Paying attention to all three areas makes a big difference!
Diagnosis of Neuropathy from Diabetes
Diagnosing neuropathy requires a complete health evaluation and nerve assessment. As a holistic doctor, I take time to ask patients about symptoms they may be experiencing, like numbness, tingling, pain, weakness, dizziness upon standing, or trouble walking or moving normally.
I’ll perform a physical exam of the nervous system, checking reflexes and sensory function. My exam includes things like having patients close their eyes while I lightly touch different places with a soft fiber to see if sensation is intact. I also use simple tools to check nerve reactions and conduction abilities.
In some cases, I order additional tests to help confirm nerve dysfunction, assess severity, or rule out other potential causes. Getting to the root cause of someone’s nerve pain and numbness is essential so I can recommend a tailored treatment plan to provide relief and improve quality of life.
Treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
When it comes to managing neuropathy, I inform my patients that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Since every person and case is unique, treatment plans should be tailored to the individual.
My goal is to get to the root of what’s causing or contributing to nerve damage and address those components. I find that a multi-faceted, whole-body treatment protocol works best.
Where I tend to start is optimizing blood sugar control through medication adjustment, diet planning, and promoting regular physical activity. Stabilizing blood glucose is vital for calming further nerve irritation.
At Althoff Wellness Clinic PC - Cheyenne, we provide nutritional counseling focused on a balanced anti-inflammatory diet along with targeted supplements to nourish nerves and enhance sensation.
We also utilize therapies that directly benefit neurological health, including:
- Low-Level Light Therapy: Special LED lights are applied to the hands and feet, delivering wavelengths that reduce inflammation and promote nerve cell regeneration.
- Electrotherapy: Mild electrical stimulation helps relieve muscle cramps and nerve discomfort while exercising nerves and muscles.
- Nerve Re-Education: This trains nerves and skin receptors through external stimulation to help regain sensation and function.
- Chiropractic Care: Gentle adjustment techniques improve joint mobility, decrease nerve pressure, and enhance blood flow.
Additionally, we guide patients through balance and gait training to preserve mobility and prevent falls. And tools like custom orthotics or assistive devices can provide extra stability.
With consistent care, many patients experience reduced symptoms, nerve damage, and renewed strength and stamina. While not every case of neuropathy can be resolved entirely, our integrative methods yield approximately a 96% success rate in tangible quality-of-life improvement. Regaining your comfort, balance, and independence is our ultimate goal.
The key is crafting a personalized plan to meet each patient’s needs through compassionate, whole-person care. With the right treatment approach, relief and healing are possible. Click here to contact us today.
Preventing Diabetic Neuropathy
While we can’t always prevent nerve damage completely, there are important self-care steps people with diabetes can take to foster nerve health and reduce risk. Small daily choices add up over time and influence outcomes down the road.
One of the most pivotal preventative measures is maintaining balanced blood sugar levels through medication adherence, routine testing, carb-conscious nutrition, regular exercise, and healthy stress management. Keeping glucose variability minimal and HbA1c at or below target levels helps safeguard delicate nerves.
Proper foot care is another key way to avoid issues. Make sure to thoroughly dry between the toes after bathing or swimming to prevent fungal infections and ulcers, which can worsen nerve pain. Inspect your feet daily for cuts, blisters, or irritation and treat them promptly. Wear clean, dry socks and well-fitted shoes.
Finally, consistent healthy lifestyle habits like not smoking, limiting alcohol intake, staying active, and getting enough sleep provide immense benefits for overall well-being and nerve functioning. Your nerves support everything you do each day. So, show them some love through restorative self-care.
While neuropathy cannot always be completely avoided, putting consistent effort into blood sugar management, foot protection, plus lifestyle wellness stacks the odds in your favor. Partnering closely with us to prioritize nerve health ensures many bright, active years ahead. We’re here to walk alongside you each step of the way!
I hope this article has helped explain the basics of what diabetic peripheral neuropathy is, what causes it, common symptoms, getting an accurate diagnosis, and possible treatment approaches. Living with nerve pain and numbness can be extremely disruptive and frustrating. But with comprehensive care tailored to your unique needs, relief is possible!
If you or someone you love has been experiencing any numbness, tingling, burning, or strange sensations in your feet, legs, hands, or arms, I encourage you to get evaluated by our neuropathy specialists. Catching nerve issues early and taking proactive steps is vital for regaining strength and comfort.
At Althoff Wellness Clinic PC - Cheyenne, we specialize in non-invasive, non-surgical treatment methods focused on reducing neuropathy symptoms, healing damaged nerves, and improving overall quality of life. We partner closely with each patient to craft a holistic, customized plan that addresses their root causes and goals.
Whether you have mild early-stage neuropathy or more advanced nerve damage, contact us to schedule a consultation. Don’t struggle with numb, painful limbs or despair about lost sensation. Take back your health and independence! Call today to learn more about our neuropathy recovery program. Help is available. And there is hope!