What Are Cheyenne WY Neuropathy Symptoms? Find Out Before It’s Too Late
What Are Cheyenne WY Neuropathy Symptoms? Find Out Before It’s Too Late

Hello friends! Dr. Jill Althoff here to talk about an important health topic – neuropathy. What exactly is neuropathy? Put simply, it’s nerve damage that causes tingling, numbness, pain, or weakness. It usually starts in your hands and feet, but can spread.
I know nerve issues sound scary, but the good news is there are things you can do! The key is recognizing symptoms early. I want everyone to understand neuropathy signs in Cheyenne WY so you can take action right away.
As your friendly holistic doctor, I’ve helped many patients improve their nerve health. I’m going to explain the most common neuropathy symptoms and why it’s critical to pay attention. Too often, folks chalk up odd pains or sensations to getting older or dismiss them altogether. I want to change that! Knowledge is power when it comes to managing health.
So grab your favorite tea or coffee, get cozy, and let’s talk about how your nerves work, what goes wrong, and the telltale signs to spot. I promise to keep the discussion simple and do my best to answer any questions you have! My goal today is to make sure you feel empowered about your health.
Symptoms of Neuropathy
So, what does neuropathy actually feel like? I want to walk through the most frequent signs my patients report so you know what to look for.
- Numbness or Tingling – This tends to show up first. You might notice your feet or fingertips feeling oddly tingly, almost like they’ve “fallen asleep.” This happens because nerves aren’t conducting proper sensations back to the brain.
- Pain – It’s like a sudden, sharp, or burning pain. It can strike just about anywhere but commonly shoots through the feet, legs, or hands. Even a light touch can trigger intense discomfort.
- Lack of Balance – Since your feet work hard to keep you stable, damage there can completely throw you off balance. You might stagger, stumble, or have trouble even standing. Scary falls can result.
- Hypersensitivity – Nerves on overdrive cause hypersensitivity to touch, cold, heat, or vibration. What’s harmless to others may feel unbearable to you. Even bedsheets can hurt.
- Weakness – You might notice gripping things becoming difficult. Or your muscles quickly tiring from simple tasks they once handled easily. This creeps up slowly, so tune into subtle changes.
- Digestive Issues – Neuropathy can disrupt organs too. Nerves tell the bladder when to empty and the intestines when to move waste along. With poor signaling, incontinence and constipation can result.
- Bone Problems – Research shows nerve damage can interfere with healthy bone maintenance, causing weakness, fractures, and breaks.
- Skin Changes – Numbness lets minor wounds or infections go unnoticed. People often notice cracked skin, ingrown nails, or pressure sores. Hair loss or slowed hair growth can also occur.
Phew, quite a list, huh? I know it seems like a lot to take in. But don’t fret. Now that you know what to spot, we can take the next step in reversing your neuropathy symptoms. You can check out our neuropathy reversal program here.
Causes of Neuropathy In Cheyenne WY
So why do people get neuropathy in the first place? What’s going on with those nerves? I want to cover some of the most common culprits.
At the core, any neuropathy means some type of nerve damage. Your nerves act like information superhighways. But when injuries, pressure, toxins, or disruption occur, those messages get blocked or slowed.
- Diabetes – This heavy-hitter tops the list by far. Over half of people with diabetes will eventually develop some type of nerve pain. When blood sugar stays too high for too long, it can injure delicate nerve fibers. Managing glucose levels and circulation is critical for prevention.
- Vitamin Deficiency – Lack of essential B vitamins (especially B12) starve nerves, eventually weakening them. Strict diets or difficulty absorbing nutrients make this more likely, not to mention medications that deplete these vitamins.
- Autoimmune Disease – With autoimmunity, the body mistakenly attacks itself – nerves included. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are linked to higher neuropathy risks.
- Physical Trauma – Injuries, falls, fractures, cuts, and compression that sever or pinch nerves can all trigger pain signals. Some develop if nerves get repeatedly irritated. Carpal tunnel syndrome is an example.
- Infections – Shingles, HIV, hepatitis, Lyme disease, and other infections can all inflame nerves. Some bacterial or viral toxins directly target nerve cells too.
- Post-Herpetic Neuralgia – After recovering from the shingles virus, some unlucky folks deal with lingering nerve pain for months or years. This post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) stems from nerves irritated during the original infection. About 1 in 5 shingles patients struggle with PHN.
- Amyloidosis – This condition causes abnormal protein fibers to build up in tissues or organs, throwing their function off. When they embed in nerve cells, localized pain or numbness can occur. Amyloid accumulation has to be significant enough to impact nearby nerves.
- Tumors – Benign and malignant growths can press on or damage nearby nerves.
- Genetics – There are also inherited neuropathies that run in families. These progressive conditions affect motor control and muscle health.
- Unknown Causes – Even after extensive testing, the exact cause remains a mystery in some patients. This is termed idiopathic neuropathy. Experts believe autoimmunity or chronic inflammation drives many of these unseen cases.
Now you know the major players that provoke neuropathy. This makes it easier to work WITH your body toward solutions and relief because knowing why provides a clearer path to healing!
Diagnosis of Neuropathy – Holistic Approach
The next step is getting properly checked if you suspect nerve issues. As a holistic practice here at Althoff Wellness Clinic PC - Cheyenne, we have a whole toolkit of assessments beyond standard blood tests. Let’s walk through them.
In-Depth Health History
We’ll ask questions about your family history, diet, lifestyle habits, digestive health, injuries, etc., and pinpointing any potential risk factors or connections to your symptoms provides clues.
Nerve Thermography Scan
Using a special heat-sensor camera, we can see nervous system inflammation that may be irritating your nerves. This totally non-invasive scan quickly images areas like your hands, feet, or lower back.
16-Point Nerve Evaluation
Through simple muscle strength tests, sensory checks, and reflex reactions, we’ll assess all your key nerve channels. Finding patterns of weakness provides insight into the location and severity of neuropathy.
Balance Testing
Since nerves wire messages between your brain, muscles, and joints, we test balance function. Inability to stand steady with eyes closed often indicates declining proprioception — your body’s positioning sense.
If certain joints seem unstable or muscles considerably weakened, we may order X-rays to check for injuries, bone spurs, fractures, or arthritis you didn’t know about. These can pinpoint compression points.
Our bodies give us clues if we know how to listen. With holistic testing, I gather those clues to solve your nerve discomfort puzzle.
Once we identify contributing factors, specific lifestyle measures, supplements, and treatments can gently improve nerve communication again.
What questions do you have so far about the diagnostic process? Let us know by contacting us today.
The big message I want you to walk away with today is this: early action is everything! Recognizing symptoms promptly and investigating possible causes can dramatically help manage nerve discomfort before it progresses.
I encourage anyone noticing odd sensations, pains, balance issues, or sudden sensitivity to schedule a check-up with me. My integrated testing approach, plus tailored treatment plans, help patients improve neuropathy symptoms daily.
You DON’T have to just “live with” nerve problems if they arise. There is always hope! I’m honored to guide your healing journey if neuropathy concerns ever crop up. Consider Althoff Wellness Clinic PC - Cheyenne your go-to resource for natural nerve health and pain-free living.